Four New Physicians Join the UArizona Orthopedic Surgery Residency

On behalf of the entire team at the UArizona Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, we extend a warm welcome and congratulations to our incoming resident physicians.
Meet the class of 2028:
Lee McMahon
University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson (Top Left)Jessica Nelson
University of New Mexico School of Medicine (Top Right)Bryeson Rodgers
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine (Lower Left)Austin Post
University of Nebraska College of Medicine (Lower Right)
Residency Match Day (this year falling on March 17) is the day when medical students across the U.S. find out where they’ll be completing their residency training. Match Day marks an important milestone in a medical student's journey, the competition is steep and the anticipation can be intense.
We’re excited to have these four exceptional med school graduates join our community of dedicated and passionate physicians. We’re excited to work alongside them, to challenge them and to support them as they enter this next phase of their medical careers.
Our new residents will begin rotations July 1.
Welcome to the team, Lee, Jessica, Austin and Bryeson! Go Cats!