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Katherine Boehm, DO

Sports Medicine Fellow
UArizona sport medicine fellow Dr. Katherine Boehm


My interests within medicine include sports medicine, global health, women's health and pediatrics.

I chose UA Sports Medicine Fellowship because it offers depth and variety of training, including sports coverage, clinical experience and procedural training in the community as well as the Division 1 college level.

All of these opportunities will prepare me to be a well-rounded sports medicine physician. Also, the program gives me opportunity to work alongside and learn from faculty who are leaders in the field.

Being from Santa Barbara, CA, I'm excited to experience life in the desert and explore all the amazing hikes and restaurants that the Tucson area is known for.

The top item on my bucket list is to travel to every country in the world. I am an avid traveler and love exploring new places.

I also enjoy spending time with my family and dogs, as well as trying out new recipes or relaxing with a good book. My favorite way to spend a day off would include a hike followed by relaxing at the beach or pool, and ending with a good meal with friends.

Education & Training

  • D.O., Western University of Health Sciences – College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific (COMP), Pomona, CA
  • B.S. in Kinesiology, California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, CA
  • Residency: Family Medicine, Community Memorial Health System, Ventura, CA